Infographic: Smarter Choices, Healthier Lives: How Consumers Are Making Food Choices in 2025
By Inspira Marketing
March 11, 2025
By Inspira Marketing
March 11, 2025
Health isn’t a checklist—it’s a way of life. Consumers are all in, filling their carts with functional foods, tracking every step with wearables, and seeking brands that align with their values. But with every influencer posing as a health expert and brands throwing around wellness claims, there’s still a lot of noise.
As interest in nutrient-dense diets grows, so does the demand for products that support a healthier lifestyle. With food and nutrition content flooding social feeds, consumer priorities are shifting in real time, creating the perfect recipe for new food trends to take off in the year ahead.
Most Try to Eat Healthier
Half of all American consumers are making a real effort to make healthier choices. Here’s how it breaks down.
95% say they try to choose a healthy snack at least sometimes
78% plan snacks based on what else they’ve eaten that day
62% say healthfulness is a key driver for food and beverage purchases
Protein is Coming in Strong
A significant portion of Americans are aiming for more protein, less sugar, and fewer carbs
56% increasing protein & fiber
47% decreasing carb intake
58% eating less sugar
Confused about Clean
59% of consumers think it’s important for food to be natural and/or organic, but, 40% believe the terms “natural” and “organic” mean the same thing or aren’t sure of the difference.
Food as Medicine
56% believe that what you add to your diet is more important than what you avoid
35% view food as an important tool for managing stress and improving mood
Weight Loss Drugs Impact Food Industry
The rise of hunger-suppressing weight-loss drugs is expected to have implications for the food industry. Here’s what we’re seeing so far among patients on weight-loss drugs:
Increasing Consumption
56% Fruits/vegetables
44% Weight loss management foods (protein shakes/bars)
38% Poultry/fish
Decreasing Consumption
72% Confections
70% Sugary Drinks
69% Cookies/baked goods
Acosta Group | 2025 Consumer Predictions
Morgan Stanley | Could Obesity Drugs Take a Bite Out of the Food Industry?
Glanbia Nutritional | Healthy Snacking Trends for 2025
Statista | Global Health – Statistics & Facts
World Economic Forum Health Food US | Charted: Here’s how Americans are approaching healthy eating