Employee Spotlights

Inspira Spotlight: Hannah Kirsch, Director of Field Excellence

Update: Join us Thursday, February 16th for a LinkedIn Live event getting to know Inspira’s Director of Field Excellence, Hannah Kirsch. Here’s the link to attend.

Today we’re getting to know an important face and voice at Inspira Marketing: Hannah Kirsch.

A headshot of a young brunette white woman, with the title "Inspira Spotlight: Hannah Kirsch" overlaid on the background of an upscale bar.

Hannah Kirsch is the Director of Field Excellence at Inspira, and manages brewery ambassador teams. Her job is to oversee and support commercial and sales strategy, brand programming imperatives, and below-the-line actions and consumer engagement tactics.

We sat down with Hannah to ask her the important, hard-hitting questions like “what kind of intro song best captures your wrestler spirit?”

Let’s dig in.

What inspires you?

The people I surround myself with – anyone who exudes passion for a cause, practice, or hobby – and possesses the work ethic to make things happen for themselves and others!

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?


Make coffee, stretch, and pet the dog.

If you were to make the front page of the New York Times, what would you hope it was for?

Beating Bobby Flay.

Is there an Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube account or channel you can’t do without?

The Dodo – inspirational stories of humans helping animals.

How’d you get into experiential marketing?

I interned at Inspira the summer I graduated from college, and have been here ever since!

What’s your fondest memory on the job?

I love those days in the office where after a long week, typically a Thursday or Friday where my team and I share some good laughs. It’s fun to be silly at work sometimes!

You can only choose one, forever: would you rather be a mentor or have a mentor?

I would love to be a mentor, but there is so much value to seeking out advice and perspective from those who you admire.

What’s your drink of choice in summer? Winter?

Rosé, Cosmopolitan, French 75 – no matter what time of year!

What’s your hidden talent?

I would consider myself to be a fairly talented cook.

What was your first job?

Luke Wilson Old School

Ben & Jerry’s in Boulder CO. Fun fact, I met Luke Wilson (and of course quoted Old School).

When you’ve had a bad day, what’s your go-to mood improver?

Cooking. I find that creating something that can be shared with others is not only fulfilling, but being in the kitchen and listening to music can be so relaxing!

Do you believe in astrology?

While I’m sure there is merit to it, I can’t say that I subscribe to astrology and celestial objects impacting human nature or actions.

Extrovert, introvert, or ambivert?

I’ve heard different perspectives on extroversion – for example, how do you like to re-energize? Are you energized by being surrounded by people, or by being alone? For me personally, I feel more re-energized when I am with people (even if we’re sitting in silence watching a movie). So I would say that I am an extrovert.

What song would you make your entrance music if you were a wrestler?

A wrestler?! Maybe “Knockout” by Lil Wayne, because it’s on-theme? I don’t know!

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

Teleportation. (Editor’s Note: Same)

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